Masa Yamamoto

Masa Yamamoto

PhD graduate

Duke University

I graduated with a PhD from the Department of Physics, Duke University and am pursuing my postdoctoral research at Princeton University. I am a member of the Dark Energy Survey collaboration and the Project Infrastructure Team for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. I am part of these collaborations to answer the big questions in science such as what is the Universe made of? and how did the Universe grow?. I am particularly interested in answering the questions about the distribution of (dark) matter in the Universe, also known as the large-scale structure and using it to understand the contents (dark matter and dark energy) of the Universe. I study the matter distribution using a phenomenon called Weak Gravitational Lensing, which is the apparent distortion of galaxy shapes seen in images, caused by massive gravitational potential in the Universe.

  • Cosmology
  • Weak Gravitational Lensing
  • B.A. in Astronomy & Physics, 2019

    Boston University